Welcome to PalmPhotographe's Home Page.

Tools for photographers using the 3Com's Pilot computer

New!! The new 2.0 version has just been released. The new version features the following enahncements (and more):

PalmPhotographe is a suite of applications for the 3Com Pilot computer for use by small, medium and large format photographers.

The current version, Photographe 2.0, is composed of 3 independant modules:

        - PhotoPar (Parameter module)

        - PhotoDOF (Depth Of Field module)

        - PhotoLog (Logger module)

All apps from the Photographe 2.0 family are shareware and can be purchased from PilotGear.

PhotoPar - Parameter module

Allows the user to enter all relevant information regarding her/his photo equipment. This data is used by all other modules of the Photographe 2.0 family. This module is the configuration module and is distributed for free with any other registered module in the Photographe 2.0 suite.

Take a look at the documentation

PhotoPar1.gif     PhotoPar2.gif     PhotoPar3.gif

PhotoPar is free with any registered module from the Photographe 2.0 family.

PhotoDOF - Depth Of Field module

This module allows you to see the field of focus for a given set of lens/circle of confusion/distance/aperture. Uses diffraction correction in all calculations if desired. The aperture finder gives you the correct distance/aperture for two given distances that must be in focus, and more! All calculations are done in real time, as you type in the data and are performed in meters or feet with extreme accuracy. Includes Photographe 2.0 - Parameter Module (FREE with any registered Photographe 2.0 module).

New in v2.0:

Take a look at the documentation

PhotoDOF1.gif       PhotoDOF2.gif

Order it from PilotGear or Download the Unregistered version

PhotoLog - Logger module

The logger will automatically do bellow extension calculations, filter factor compensation, reciprocity correction (from reciprocity tables you create yourself, however the app ships with preset table for standard film). It allows the photographer to set up as many camera bodies as desired and allows switching from one to another very easily, keeping the current setting per camera (lens, filter, format, extension, roll & frame reference). The log created for the shot is stored as a MemoPad memo when you are ready, and is stored into a human-readable form. Includes Photographe 2.0 - Parameter Module (FREE with any registered Photographe 2.0 module).

New in v2.0:

Take a look at the documentation

PhotoLog1.gif     PhotoLog3.gif      PhotoLog2.gif

Order it from PilotGear or Download the Unregistered version


PilotGear can be reached at: (817) 461-3480 (Phone Orders) or (817) 461-3482 (Fax Orders)

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